FREE 5-Day Money Power Challenge April 8th-12th, 2024 at 3:00 PM EST | 12:00 PM PST With Mike Agugliaro

Attention Married Business Owners: Are you ready to escape the shrinking middle class and build generational wealth?



Create Your NEW Money and Power Blueprint For More Income, Impact, and Influence…

Join this FREE 5-Day Challenge and we’ll work with you “Step-By-Step” to create your NEW Money and Power Blueprint so you can escape the shrinking middle class to build generational wealth!

(It’s not just about money! It’s about creating the freedom to truly enjoy life with those you love.)

April 8th-12th, 2024

In just 1 hour per day for 5 days, you'll discover:

  • Shift your mindset and start attracting wealth effortlessly.

  • Quickly identify and permanently break through what's holding you back financially.

  • Transform your talents and focus into passive, multiple streams of income so you can build generational wealth.

  • Discover Practical steps to build a legacy that continues to grow even when you're not working.

  • Implement a clear, actionable plan to grow your wealth.

  • And so much more!

Ready to escape the shrinking middle class to build generational wealth?

You'll Never Go From Middle Class to Building the Generational Wealth and Freedom You Want If You Don’t Learn the Difference Between Income, Assets, Equity, and How to Leverage The 5-Capitals! 

You're a successful business owner. You've mastered your craft and built a thriving business, and now you're hungry for more. 


  • How do you move from upper middle class to actually creating generational wealth (while leaving a legacy for your family)?”

  • How do you grow your passive income to be exponentially greater than your earned income?

  • How do you go from one main source of income to multiple streams of revenue and income without getting burned out - or sacrificing your family?

  • How do you build generational wealth without risk?

  • How do you get your family on the same page and in full alignment to build your plan for financial freedom?

  • How do you get rid of the hidden blocks and limiting beliefs from old programming - even if you’ve been through dozens of other personal development programs?

We get it. The answers to these questions can be quite confusing. We want to help you find answers to this question and more at the 5-Day Money Power Challenge.

Our Founder, Mike Agugliaro answered these questions and took his struggling electrical business to a record $32 million/year home service empire which was eventually acquired by a private equity firm in 2017.

Then he repeated the process building a company worth over 8 figures in the education space, which he exited in 2020. He did this by helping over 30,000 business owners in 15 countries (maybe like you) with the practical tools in place to build assets and generational wealth. 

And, the good news is that not only will you get access to Mike Agugliaro, you’ll also rub-elbows with the other co-founders of the FuDog Group Team who have helped business owners, safeguard their families, and create and build generational wealth! They’ve helped hundreds of people become Deca-Millionaires. Are you one of their next success stories?

DAY 1 - Who Have You Been Called To Serve?

11:00 - 12:30PM PT / 12:00 - 1:30PM MT

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Still Not Sure?

Here’s a Glance at Some of Our Clients…

Through the proven methodologies and process of helping so many people from all walks of life, there’s a common X-factor YOU MUST OVERCOME to move from middle class to build and create generational wealth, and that's…


Elon Musk doesn’t get a traditional income. He’s built and acquired assets. Warren Buffet built his wealth through building and acquiring assets. The most successful people in the world are building and acquiring assets.

Now, it’s your turn! 

This isn’t taught in traditional schooling or education.

It’s safe to say, this isn’t taught anywhere else the way we deliver it…

We’re happy to step in where everyone else has left off!

We’ll show you how to create your NEW Money and Power Blueprint so you can protect your family, escape the shrinking middle class, and build lasting generational wealth. Are you ready for that?

When You Start The Challenge, Here's What's Going To Happen…

You’ll start by dialing in, shaping, and planning out your money and power blueprint. 

You’ll have a proven plan to move beyond the middle class to grow your income and your assets. 

Regardless of how much or how little you’ve accomplished in the past, you can learn how to build and grow your income, assets, and generational wealth! 

Plus, you’ll be pleasantly surprised how quickly and simply your confidence and clarity grow - and the peace of mind that comes with the momentum you’re experiencing with a winning action plan to not just play the game, but know you have what it takes to win this GAME!


Day 1: April 8th, 2024

Cultivate A Money-Magnet Mindset

You’ll go through a step-by-step plan to:

  • Embrace an abundance mindset, transforming how you view wealth and success.

  • Decode the psychology of prosperity, setting the foundation for your financial journey.

  • Transition from scarcity to abundance, opening your eyes to the wealth opportunities around you.

  • Define key concepts like wealth, money, freedom, and abundance in ways that resonate with your goals.

  • Engage in grand vision thinking, crafting a mindset programmed for unstoppable success.

Day 2: April 9th, 2024

Shatter Financial Fears And Limiting Beliefs

Go through our unique step-by-step process to:

  • Identify and demolish the invisible barriers to your wealth, freeing you from generational myths.

  • Erase outdated beliefs, paving the way for financial liberation and success.

  • Lay the groundwork for a triumphant wealth-building journey with proven strategies.

  • Master resilience against financial challenges, equipping you with the strength to thrive.

Day 3: April 10th, 2024

Elevate Your Financial IQ

You’ll walk out with new capabilities to…

  • Sharpen your financial acumen for smarter decision-making and wealth multiplication.

  • Navigate the complex world of financial decisions with confidence and precision.

  • Discover the exponential benefits of investing in yourself and the transformative power of mentorship.

  • Learn to scale your wealth with strategic insights and actions.

Day 4: April 11th, 2024

Chart Your Wealth Map

You’ll get our proprietary step-by-step plan so you can…

  • Craft a precise, actionable financial master plan with the SMART mantra for abundance.

  • Break down the barriers blocking your financial dreams, setting clear, achievable goals.

  • Harness focus and commitment as your armor in the quest for wealth.

  • Apply time mastery and productivity strategies (and AI) for efficient wealth accumulation.

Day 5: April 12th, 2024

Take Action, Create Wealth, And Go Further Than Ever Before

In this final session, we’ll bring it all together, you’ll refine your custom money and power plan.

You’ll get a proven blueprint for…

  • Taking decisive action towards creating multiple income streams for a diversified wealth portfolio.

  • Cultivating a mindset engineered for generating wealth, transforming talents into assets.

  • Mastering the art of reinvestment and compound growth for long-term prosperity.

  • Developing strategies to safeguard and expand your wealth empire over time.




Mike Agugliaro has spent his whole life learning about martial arts, how people perform, and how to turn potential into mastery.

He started his professional career as an electrician and grew a $32 million/year home services business, which a private equity company acquired. He then built the most prominent training organization for home service companies, which he exited in 2020.

Mike founded FuDog Group, a high-level training organization that teaches peak performance secrets to help people elevate every area of their lives. He also co-founded a company that invests in entrepreneurs to help them grow and exit their companies.

Mike is an expert at using energy to transform people's lives. And he will teach you how to use energy to continue your transformation.

Mike has mastered the art of personal human performance and uses what he learns in all parts of his life, from family and relationships to health and fitness to career and money.

Mike is a Jinsei Ryu Budo black belt, an author, a speaker, and a sought-after expert on how people work.


Mike is the founder of FuDog Group, a high-level training organization that teaches peak performance secrets to help people elevate every area of their personal lives. He’s also the co-founder of a company that invests in entrepreneurs to help them grow and exit their companies. Mike is an expert at using energy to transform people's lives.

Mike is the founder of FuDog Group, a high-level training organization that teaches peak performance secrets to help people elevate every area of their personal life. He’s also the co-founder of a company that invests in entrepreneurs to help them grow and exit their companies.

Mike is an expert in using energy to transform people's lives. And he will teach you how to use energy to continue your transformation.

Mike has perfected the art of personal human performance, and applies what he learns in all aspects of life, from family and relationships to health and fitness to career and wealth.

Mike is an author, speaker, a sought-after human performance expert, and a Black Belt in Jinsei Ryu Budo.

Jennifer Agugliaro

Jennifer Agugliaro brings light and wisdom to challenge social conventions and perceptions, and to leave a world where people can express who they really are. She’s a rebel with a heart, and her life reveals a passion for enhancing the world around her.

Jennifer has navigated the complexities of her challenging childhood, put a stop to old stories and beliefs, and replaced those with empowering beliefs that have helped her grow. Not only that, but…

Jennifer and Mike have invested millions into their own personal development — individually and as a couple — and bring that massive library of knowledge to their work in helping others.

Jennifer loves nature, especially the ocean, and is inspired and recharged by its power. She and Mike make their home at the Jersey Shore, and her daily interaction with the ocean keeps her grounded and connected to all things.

With her connection to light, nature, and spirituality, it should come as no surprise that Jennifer is an empath whose ability to connect emotionally with others gives her a level of insight that few possess, and her fearlessly inquisitive nature empowers her to instantly see and challenge people when they are not living within their truest values and to challenge the beliefs and stories that guide them.

Jennifer Agugliaro

Jennifer Agugliaro brings light and wisdom to challenge social conventions and perceptions, and to leave a world where people can express who they really are. She’s a rebel with a heart, and her life reveals a passion for enhancing the world around her.

Jennifer has navigated the complexities of her challenging childhood, put a stop to old stories and beliefs, and replaced those with empowering beliefs that have helped her grow. Not only that, but…

Jennifer and Mike have invested millions into their own personal development — individually and as a couple — and bring that massive library of knowledge to their work in helping others.

Jennifer loves nature, especially the ocean, and is inspired and recharged by its power. She and Mike make their home at the Jersey Shore, and her daily interaction with the ocean keeps her grounded and connected to all things.

With her connection to light, nature, and spirituality, it should come as no surprise that Jennifer is an empath whose ability to connect emotionally with others gives her a level of insight that few possess, and her fearlessly inquisitive nature empowers her to instantly see and challenge people when they are not living within their truest values and to challenge the beliefs and stories that guide them.


Aaron Hoos is a master implementer with more than two decades of accelerated “get-it-done” creation.

From humble beginnings and a failed business in 2001, he built a successful career as a copywriter, author, marketing expert, speaker and investor; and, he went from a solopreneur to a team of more than 20 in his agency. Along the way he acquired an MBA and licenses in financial advisory, wrote several books, and founded three companies.

The skills he learned in building this success for himself and for his clients is really about creating a bold, inspiring vision and executing on it relentlessly. He’s created and curated a broad skillset and toolset to lead a team in executing quickly and masterfully while staying efficient and nimble.


Have you ever set goals but struggled to achieve them? Have you set New Year's resolutions but forgot about them a few weeks later? Do your best-laid plans turn into long-forgotten dreams?

Many people set goals; few people achieve them. What separates the “wannabes” from the “high-achievers” is EXECUTION. And here’s the thing…

Aaron Hoos is a master executor with more than two decades of accelerated “get-it-done” creation.

From humble beginnings and a failed business in 2001, he built a successful career as a copywriter, author, marketing expert, speaker and investor; and, he went from a solopreneur to a team of more than 20 in his agency. Along the way he acquired an MBA and licenses in financial advisory, wrote several books, and founded three companies.

The skills he learned in building this success for himself and for his clients is really about creating a bold, inspiring vision and executing on it relentlessly. He’s created and curated a broad skillset and toolset to lead a team in executing quickly and masterfully while staying efficient and nimble.

Michael Agugliaro

For more than a decade, Michael has been studying growth, success, personal power, and how to master chaos, and he’s been studying it from some of world’s best experts and in unexpected places like the dojo!

As an expert in martial arts and fitness, Michael Agugliaro successfully bridged the gap between the physical prowess of martial arts as well as its mental and emotional components that can help someone master chaos in life.

As FuDog Group’s Mindset And Accountability Expert, he creates massive transformation in the lives of those he teaches and coaches Michael is the author of How To Be A Modern-Day Warrior, and he’s an engaging speaker who has shared the stage with thought-leaders like Kevin Harrington (the original shark from the TV show Shark Tank) and Mike Michalowicz (the author of Profit First and Clockwork).

Michael Agugliaro

Does life get a little chaotic sometimes? Do you struggle with confusion and overwhelm?

The truth is, life gets a little messy sometimes. That’s true for everyone. But what separates one person from another is how they handle that confusion and chaos.

Michael Agugliaro knows the solution to chaos (and it’s not what most people think).

For more than a decade, Michael has been studying growth, success, personal power, and how to master chaos, and he’s been studying it from some of world’s best experts and in unexpected places like the dojo...

As an expert in martial arts and fitness, Michael Agugliaro successfully bridged the gap between the physical prowess of martial arts but also its mental and emotional components that can help someone master chaos in life.

Why Wait Or Try To Go At This Alone?

Enter Your Email Address Below To Get This FREE Training Series That Will Take You Behind The Scenes And Show You The Strategies That Are Necessary For You To Generate Unlimited Leads On Demand To Help Grow Your Company Online!

The world is shifting in real time and right now is when you must decide whether you want to be on the cutting edge of how we will learn and grow in the future, or let others take action instead and risk getting left behind. 
Outside noise and inner limiting beliefs will give you every reason why this won't work for you... from not having knowledge that people actually want, to not having experience with technology, to something as simple as not having enough time. 
But true success and impact requires confidence and commitment. It requires you to believe in your ability and trust us to guide you to the life of purpose & stability you deserve! 
This challenge kicks off August 24th and 5 days later, if you play full out and follow our lead, you could have your very own virtual knowledge product ready to launch to the world. So hurry and take action now to join us and make this REAL! 

Listen, you don’t have to go at it alone. The top most successful people in the world have figured out something that isn’t taught to most people - growing wealth is about surrounding yourself with the right people and getting the right strategies at the right time.

And, dedicating just 1 hour per day for 5 days to transform your financial future is a tiny commitment with the potential for massive returns.

If you're truly committed to breaking through to unparalleled wealth and freedom, then it's time to step up. 

Your financial destiny won't change on its own... but it can start to in just 1 hour per day over 5 days.


How much will it cost you if you don’t figure out how to escape the shrinking middle class to build generational wealth?

The middle class is shrinking every day.

Recent reports tell us that over 50% of millionaires are living paycheck to paycheck. 

And over 64% of business owners earn between $45,000 and $94,000 annually.

Plus, we have an election year and a lot of uncertainty.

You’re not alone!

The founder of our company Mike Agugliaro, has been at this for three decades and built and sold two companies that grew to over 8-figures each.

If you’re serious about moving out of the middle class to build and create generational wealth you can be proud of, there are some critical things you must do right now to set yourself up for success. It’s time to commit to action. Wealth doesn’t happen through osmosis.

Now is the time to find out what the top 1% of 1% have learned about creating wealth.

Join this 5-Day Challenge and we’ll work with you “Step-By-Step” to create your NEW Money and Power Blueprint so you can escape the shrinking middle class to build generational wealth!

In just 1 hour per day for 5 days, you'll discover:

  • How to shift your mindset and start attracting wealth effortlessly.

  • Quickly identify and permanently break through what's holding you back financially.

  • How to efficiently turn your talents and focus into passive, multiple streams of income so you can build generational wealth.

  • Practical steps to build a legacy that continues to grow even when you're not working.

  • How to implement a clear, actionable plan to grow your wealth.

  • And more…

Ready to escape the shrinking middle class to build generational wealth?

Give me just an hour of commitment, focus, and desire for 5 days and I’ll give you everything you need to build your money and power blueprint so you can start building generational wealth.

Enter Your Email Address Below To Get This FREE Training Series That Will Take You Behind The Scenes And Show You The Strategies That Are Necessary For You To Generate Unlimited Leads On Demand To Help Grow Your Company Online!

The world is shifting in real time and right now is when you must decide whether you want to be on the cutting edge of how we will learn and grow in the future, or let others take action instead and risk getting left behind. 
Outside noise and inner limiting beliefs will give you every reason why this won't work for you... from not having knowledge that people actually want, to not having experience with technology, to something as simple as not having enough time. 
But true success and impact requires confidence and commitment. It requires you to believe in your ability and trust us to guide you to the life of purpose & stability you deserve! 
This challenge kicks off August 24th and 5 days later, if you play full out and follow our lead, you could have your very own virtual knowledge product ready to launch to the world. So hurry and take action now to join us and make this REAL! 

Want To Unlock Wealth Creation?


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Disclaimer: The views, information or opinions expressed on or during any mastermind or otherwise publicized on our online and mobile resources are solely those of the creating authors or contributors and not those of MasterMind Consulting, LLC or either of its parent companies. Further, MasterMind Consulting, LLC is not responsible for and does not verify the accuracy of any of the information contained in any mastermind or content. The primary purpose of these resources is to educate, inspire and inform. Some authors’ or contributors’ content may discuss strategies and methods for earning income in business, and you should feel free to reach out to those authors or contributors about their proof that such strategies and methods work. In all events, there are no guarantees that you will make back the money that you are paying for this service or any mastermind or content you purchase from an author or contributor. The masterminds are available for private, non-commercial use only. You may not edit, modify, or redistribute in any fashion unless express permission is granted. The developers of MasterMind Consulting, LLC assume no liability for any activities in connection with these masterminds or for use of the masterminds in connection with any other website or online or mobile resource.